Tainted Woods
Tainted Woods Spending a little time trying to bang out a small novel, piece of prose or whatever you would call it. Much easier to have direction in a piece of that sort than this strange alamalgm of topics. ive already changed the focus nine or ten times i think i might just let it…
Affiliates homepage – Spread Firefox
Affiliates homepage – Spread Firefox Again with the Fox… Firefox is spreading quickly they have an ever growing community of developers who are currently working tirelessly to make sure that your browsing experiance is what it should be. a clean quick and consice trip through the net with little or no unwanted ineruption. Pop ups…
Waking up before the alarm always produces a strange satisfaction as if yo won some contest that only you knew about. Ha i beat you this time, until we meet again… perhaps i’m just a little tired yet, get back to me in about an hour. BTW i started a new blog i’m going to…
Internet Event
So i was attempting yet another site redesign yesterday and went to adire my work or lack thereof and was greeted with an older versionof my page. Working in a technical feild i tried to see if we had recieved any bullitens regarding internet connectivity… again nothing. the only place i found any explaination for…
Lost in the Ether of Ethernet
Seriously i’m starting to think there is some type of grand command against me getting things done. I miss self imposed deadlines with frightening regularity… not the real deadlines just the self imposed ones. This weekend was a wash for the Hayride but the Bar scene was deffinatly a good thing. Major stress relief. Got…
FireFox– Browser to the stars… or maybe just yahoo
Spread Firefox – Igniting the web If you haven’t given it a try check out FireFox, the newest browser to come out of the mozilla open source Initiative. Being in charge of a computer lab for very technologically inclined people, some more so than others. I have gotten nothing but rave reviews about the inclusion…
Hitting My Stride: Night time is dee right time
Well i finally feel like I’m feeling like doing work and moving about. So in the last two hours i got more done than the previous 6… go figure. On tap for this weekend. Arasafa Farms haunted hayride. and A double shot of bars tonite Temple University’s Draught Horse and Whiskey Tango in the Far…
Friday Blues
Ever have one of those days. Those days where you have the beginnings of a coffee headache, not enough time to do anything and tons to do… but you don’t do a damn thing? Well thats today. Been feeling a little lethargic lately. Should be a good weekend though. I’m all about the fall and…
Yahoo! News – Google’s New Program Searches Hard Drives
Yahoo! News – Google’s New Program Searches Hard Drives Google Your Machine. You to can now google your PC just as quick as you search the internet. Seriously why didn’t anyone think of this before? Just think this is what Windows was GOING to do in their next OS, but decided against it so they…
Yahoo! News – Bush, Kerry Duel Over Jobs, Health Care
Yahoo! News – Bush, Kerry Duel Over Jobs, Health Care Some Days thee debates look more like rockem sockem robots between tap[e recorders than anything actually useful. I don’t think i’ve actually gotten anything useful from it… www.Vote-Smart.org Non-Partisan information which takes its sources from the canidates themselves. BTW Bushy, and Kerry neither one of…