They all wait at the same speed. Part Duex
I had a lovely post all worked out earlier and tried to post it but to no avail… It was poignant spelled correctly and to the point. This one, not so much. I am constantly struck by the fact that n the high flying world of computers that we are constantly and consistently complained to…
They all wait at the same speed
No matter what it is that you are doing if you need to wait for something to finish it always seems to take forever. The watched pot syndrome which affects computer users is well documents. The spinning hourglass of the PC, the pinwheel of the Mac, or the omnipresent progress bar, all are a testament…
To be or not to be committed.
One must decide, I suppose. When one ventures on this Blog journey what ones target audience is. This is to say, whether you are writing for yourself or for other people. Why would anyone care what you have to say? There are billions of people in the world why should one opinion matter over another,…
where did it go
If This works you will see a brand new post very shortly from me. I’m testing out a new software the i recently found to post from my laptop. We’ll see if I can get this to work Fulltime. This should fix a lot of the issues i had with my internet connection, so i…
Off The Grid
Spending time away from any type of internet connection, and phone connection other than my cell phone has been trying. I pride myself on being able to cope in most situations but I felt severely limited in the scope of things I could do these past 4 days. I moved from my longtime home into…
Man in the Box
After spending the good part of a night digging through my stuff attempting to put everything in a place which makes sense. Into a box with its like members I have come to a realization, which strikes me as very funny. I have spent most of my life avoiding categorizing myself. I wanted to fit…
The Wait for Nothing:
Planning is one thing and executing another but there is one stage of the whole process for me which I can stand… The wait. After your preparation is done but before things actually get moving waiting for something or anything to happen is often maddening. Currently I’m sitting in my office waiting for the end…
An Ode to Coffee
A quiver and a sip, meet this perculated drip. doctored with sugar, and creme. An exhaultation of praise, meets the amber waves soothing their way over my tounge. Roasted just right, wether brewed dark or light, perhaps with a hint of nutmeg. This liquid refreshment, borders confection, and sets my mind at ease.
A note concerning the preparation for an Event:
People tend to prepare for things very differently. Some stress out, some wait until the last minute. For some the house must be spotless for days in advance. But the one single thread running through everything is that we all, despite assurances to the opposite, do really care what others think. The dance like no…
Ghosts of Future Scenes
My Fiancé and I signed the lease on a new apartment today. It’s a strange feeling. Leaving the house and the room that has been mine for the past 21 years of my life. I am currently a couple of months away from turning 25, but I can barely remember living any ware else. I…