Supermarket sweep
On certain days a trip to the superMarket can be almost enjoyable. But on those other days they can feel like a root canal w\o all of the sympathy and pain meds after the fact. Today is one of those days… I don’t feel good enough to be walking around and it feels like its…
I have to tell you this whole scene is getting pretty old. I bought a cable from ebay for my phone. It showed one picture and type of cable on the site, and what appeared on my doorstep was the cable to the right… Doesn’t even begin to fit my phone. Ok first the ass…
UPON futher Consideration
I have determined that my lovely wife of 7 some odd months is crazy. She is prone to fits of uncontrolable laughter and mirth. For instance she just brought up a rather painful personal tragedy in my life. I was young and in love. I was told that to go swimming in SC m Myrtle…
And so it Begins…
Alright so I have been fooling around with the concept for about 6 months now of starting a podcast. I know that between this blog and my website exactly three people have been able to experience the wonder that is my all encompassing intellect and great humility. Again neither here nor there. What I’d like…
Holidays: I would have to venture and say that between the week right before Christmas and about three weeks right before Halloween are two of the most lovely times of the year. Each way you turn the sights sounds and tastes of their respective seasons abound. This is truly a time of year when all…
Minor Details (All examples are made up) Everything is like kindergarten you just have to figure out which kids the adults really are. For instance the skinny, salad eating chic might have been hefty in her youth. The Gym Nazi, square jawed dimwit might have been the brain. Well the easiest one to pick out…
wasting time
Triple Threat: Ok so I now have the Trifecta of Timewasters at my disposal. One this Blog/ Website (yes they are one thing, I’m trying to get both to adhere to the same Graphic Identity Any feedback would be helpful.) DeviantArt, I will never get tired of browsing and creating art for this site. It’s…
A Little Old a Little New:
Ok so its bit quite a while since my last post and I can only assume that this post will be the first in several all right in a row, so if anyone is reading these then you might want to space the next few out for a couple months. Alrighty then. Yeah so I’m…
There is no joy in Mudville
The might eagles have fallen. Alright so I’m more than a bit late on this topic but I feel that I had to weigh in on it from a slightly different angle. Here is one thing I have a problem with professional sports. The fans, or as we shall refer to them as, the mob…
Nuggets of Truth:
I was watching this person in the car next to me the other day, and he was signing. I should have been driving, but it’s a trade off in the morning sit. I was tempted to roll through the dial to see if it was on the radio. Decided against it. I just want out…