Category: Drivel

  • PodCast Promo

    Ok so here is the promo testing PodPress Technorati Tags: caffination, podcast, techpodcasts

  • Ok So we are going to try and take back the blog…

    Testing Testing testing, Here is the long and the short of the problems we are having. I used to have my blog with blogger. Blogger does not support RSS, only atom. I was unsure of feeddemon and didn’t want an extra step in there. So i needed to switch over to wordpress. So far wordpress…

  • Wonder of Wonders!

    Ok so here it is our first public announcement! we just closed on our house and all is well will post more later on!!! Technorati Tags: Summer, house

  • Fresh Air

    I sit before you with yet another breeze flowing over over back, but it is the fresh air on the soul which makes this day better. I forgot i didn’t have to come in on friday… so all week i have been laboring, as many do, under the “countdown” of days until the next respite.…

  • Caffination 039

    Welcome to the CaffiNation 039: Tweaked The High Octane world of Tunes and Tech, Coffee and all things Caffeine. Tech Tid-Bits :—– Cars, Pixar’s New Movie General Review WebComic Top 5, and a Floater! 5: The Outer Circle 4: PC Weeinies 3: User Friendly 2: PvP 1: Penny Arcade TDIT (This day in Tech!) Wiki…

  • CaffiNation 038: Early Bird Edition

    Welcome to the CaffiNation 038: Early Bird Edition The High Octane world of Tunes and Tech, Coffee and all things Caffeine. p class=”header”>Tech Tid-Bits :—– WebComic Top 10,6-10.This Spartan Life, Red vs Blue, VG Cats, Least I Could Do, Dueling Analogs Google SpreadSheet. Real competition. Portable App News New U2 Ipod, ok now what Just…

  • CaffiNation 037

    CaffiNation 037: Fired Up June 04, 2006 09:35PM Welcome to the CaffiNation 037: Fired Up The High Octane world of Tunes and Tech, Coffee and all things Caffeine. Tech Tid-Bits :—– Yarrr they appear to be back. Pirate Bay, goes chumbawumba, they got knocked down… now they’re up again… Ok I’ll stop Cell Phone Radiation,…

  • CaffiNation 036

    Caffination 036: Stuffed Edition May 31, 2006 08:53PM Welcome to the CaffiNation 036: Stuffed Edition The High Octane world of Tunes and Tech, Coffee and all things Caffeine. Tech Tid-Bits :—– Net Neutrality update, Ebay Letter, Wired Rant and more Goggle World. Today’s Goggle Labs Function Trends, & Da Vinci And the Mona Lisa Speak!…

  • A Mighty Predicament

    Here I sit with proverbial pen to paper caught upon a harsh reality of my circumstances. I feel the need to blog about the events as they have transpired over the past few days but i am caught up with the looming reality which stalks me. I simply cannot clear the air as i am…

  • CaffiNation 035:

    CaffiNation 035: Chilled to the Max May 28, 2006 10:06PM Welcome to the CaffiNation 035: Chilled Out The High Octane world of Tunes and Tech, Coffee and all things Caffeine. Tech Tid-Bits :—– Net NeutralSmall Win, the real fight approaches Stupidity Trademarked Yet? 108 years is a long time for a loan Let not the…