Category: Drivel

  • It’s On

    It seems that once again the literary arm of the media juggernaught Paul Rj Muller has once again fallen on hard times… ie this blog hasn’t been updated in a while. I mean just look at the sorry state of the links to your right… pitiful. And that heading disgraceful. I’m barely sure that i…

  • Hey, New York… Ban This!

    Whats This? a new post on the Travel Mug. Has the Sky fallen, is Paul dead and his 6 month old son has taken over? No, non of the above, but major projects which were started back in January, such as home renovation and child rearing, have reached manageable levels. Huzzah, lo and behold, below…

  • knob

    knob Originally uploaded by pzul-box. Ok so its been more than a couple weeks since i posted here on the Travel Mug let me give you a little run down on whats been happening. Holidays, weekend trips and general exhaustion. until all of that fades, i finally got my flickr account to post to this…

  • A Christmas Gift for You

    Technorati Tags: caffination, christmas, Christmas Lights, holiday, holiday season, Santa, Sleigh

  • Getting Closer everyday

    Each day that drifts by gets me closer and closer to the end of the semester, a magical time when Sisyphus can begin to roll the rock back up that hill. Working in a lab setting in a university is a study in patience, doing the same thing each semester to bring the lab as…

  • Cleaning House

    a small note. I am removing all posts from the CaffiNation in this blog, as you can find better versions of them at the CaffiNation Podcast only a click away from you right now. Decided it was better to keep the two worlds a bit clearer. ~Paul Out PS. also went back to clean out…

  • Whew, what a week

    What a week is the understatement of the month. This week has quite possibly been one of the most tiring in my young life. If you hearken back to several posts i did over the summer, here & here, The place where I work has some minor amounts of trouble regulating the temperature. To provide…

  • CrossOver: A Complex Tangled web

    Have you ever had a flashback to another movie while watching a completely different flick? This happened during the DaVinci Code for me most recently. Did anyone else realize that the Bishop Aringarosa was also Doc Oc from Spiderman 2? Combine the characters and you get a Cybernetic Bishop with a god complex. Would he…

  • A New Day is Dawning

    Alright now i don’t want to alrm anyone but things are starting to work out over at the caffination podcast. Thats right we have moved to a new server, the same server as this one. You may not know it but the file you are reading right now and hours of technology related news and…

  • Progress

    We as a species have tamed every frontier on our world and have begun to venture elsewhere to do the same there. We can build a machine capable of almost thinking for itself. craft a worldwide network of these machines, and earn a living from them. We have created marvels like penicillin, and advil. We…