Book Review: Terry Pratchett: Theif of Time
Book reviews are few and far between so far, so I review them as I read the. This book came highly recommended and it did not fail. Now i have never read anything by Terry Pratchett before and I have been recommended to do so for some time now. So as books go there was…
Xbox 360: Halo 3: Spoiler Free Campaign Breakdown
A game of this magnitude needs more than one review because there are so many different ways to enjoy it. You have the first impressions review, here you will find the Campaign review, where we will go over in a spoiler free manner the plot, the gameplay and the afterglow. Then as a bonus feature…
Xbox 360: Halo 3: First Impressions
Greeting visitors from the CaffiNation Podcast and many others. After a long Delay expect the updates to this site to start up once again. Well its comes time to throw my hat in the ring once more on a very popular franchise. Halo 3 needs no lengthy introduction. My first impressions of the new game…
Xbox 360: Live Arcade: Bomberman Live
Like I’ve said before here at Boilerpl8.com we don’t review old games, we savor them as if they were fine wine, we wait for the heady richness of the nostalgia to wash over us and take us back to the golden age of yesteryear. We do however review new takes on old IP. Bomberman Live…
What is Hardcore?
I have spent a good deal of time in my life being impressed by the feats of various athletes throughout history. One of the terms which I have come to use when I am confronted with a particularly manic player, one who gives his all to the point of bodily injury, playing without regard for…
Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
I guess I better fess up to this small fact before I continue. I have never read the books. I’ve heard they are good, I might even pick them up eventually. However for some reason I have never felt compelled to read them. That being said I have seen all of the movies, because they…
Movie Review: Transformers
This Review Uses the Full 8 From BoilerPl8! Ok take one does of 25 year old Intellectual property which has reached cult status with a rabid fan base. Throw in one Iconic Father figure for a generations of kids who wished nothing more than to be able to “Roll Out” What do you get? Well…
The Semi-Soft opening
And now introducing the site i have been working on. Its call boilerpl8.com. Boilerplates are small bits of throw in text usually placed in contracts they are the “standard” language which makes its way into our lives and a;lmost any document we sign. I have decided to extrapolate that language to fit a format. So…
Website Review: Technorati
Why would we review a site which has the distinction of doubling its traffic in the last year? Well first off to claim this very blog on that site. Secondly I believe certain aspects of the site are useful and certain ones are definitely not. This post will be updated later with more content to…
Xbox 360: Live Arcade: Ageis Wing
First off let me say something about free games, by definition they don’t have to stand up to the same type of scrutiny as pay for play games. You don’t have to justify their acquisition. That being said the bar is also set quite low for titles, and content which comes gratis. So without the…